A “Love Gift” is a wonderful way to remember your child, while also helping our TCF chapter “reach out” to bereaved families. There is no charge to attend meetings, use the library, or receive the newsletter. We depend solely upon these gifts, monetary or gifts-in-kind, to support our chapter. You may choose to donate a tax deductible “Love Gift” at any time. Let us be here for the families who do not know today that they will need us tomorrow.
Our chapter exists entirely through your donations which are tax deductible. A Love Gift is money donated to the chapter in memory of your child who has died. If you feel a Love Gift is an appropriate way to honor the memory of your child, please consider a donation, large or small. Please fill out the Love Gift Donation form, located below or found in our monthly newsletter, and mail it with your donation to the address listed. All pictures submitted will be returned unless you specify for us to keep them and place them on our Child Remembered board displayed at monthly meetings.

Submission Guidelines
$50 or more - Newsletter Sponsor. May include a full page for printing. Please remember to send your page “Copy Ready” as you would like to see it printed in the newsletter. You may also submit your sponsor page electronically, including pictures, via our email address: Compassionatefriendspikespeak@gmail.com
$0 to $50 - A picture, if available, and dedication to be listed in the newsletter. Love Gift donations should be sent directly to our treasurer, Ruby Doyle whose address is listed on the Love Gift Donation Form. Wouldn’t you like to make a dedication to your child and help our chapter?
Send Love Gifts to Ruby Doyle, 6552 Lange Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80918
Thank you for contributing and supporting the work of your local chapter!
Love Gift Donation Form
Costs are rising. We need your Love Gift to support our chapter & newsletter!
Please help if you can.