We deeply regret the circumstances that brought you to the Pikes Peak Chapter of the Compassionate Friends. The Compassionate Friends is a self help organization offering friendship, understanding, and hope to bereaved families following the death of a child. There are no membership fees or dues. All adult bereaved family members are welcome. We have no religious affiliation. Our meeting is open to everyone. The Pikes Peak Chapter of The Compassionate Friends was started in the early 1970’s by Wally and Betty Steigelmeier, who lost 2 sons to cystic fibrosis.
Coming to your first meeting is the hardest thing to do. But you have nothing to lose and much to gain. Try not to judge your first meeting as to whether or not Compassionate Friends will work for you. The second, third or fourth meeting might be the time you will find the right person-or just the right words spoken, that will help you in your grief journey.
We need your encouragement and support. You are the string that ties our group together and the glue that makes it stick. Each meeting we have new parents. Think back to your first meeting. What would it have been like for you if there had not been any “oldies” to welcome you and share your grief and encourage you? It was from them you heard, “Your pain will not always be this bad; it really does get softer.”